Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Go To The Tomb, But Don't Stay In It

This morning Hubby and I were discussing the difference in problem solving skills in men and women. Of course he was giving me the 411 on how men deal with things and I was doing my best to represent women all over the world.  Before I tell you what God taught me in all of that I will give a brief history of the differences between Hubby and myself.

Hubby is the eternal optimist. Nothing is so bad that it can't be fixed. He has little time to sweat the small stuff so he doesn't.  The glass is always half full, and there is no point in dwelling on the past. He is a dreamer and believes there is no limit to what God can do. Even if he fell miserably on his face after a faith jump, he would dust himself off, praise God and jump again. I am in awe of him--I really am.

I like to call myself a realist although I think that is just a nice way of saying I am a pessimist.  Small stuff builds on top of each other and eventually make big stuff. My glass is always half empty, and my past, although forgiven by my precious Savior, makes me want to kick my own butt. If I fell miserably on my face after a faith jump, I would lay in the dirt and cry and then get mad and pout with God.

We are so opposite, but yet we compliment each other so beautifully.

Anyway, so we were discussing how men vs. women resolve problems.  I appreciate the differences between the sexes, whereas Hubby is a little annoyed with them.  He works with an office full of women who sweat the small stuff and see the glass not half empty but empty.  He looks at it like women like to blow things up and make something huge out of them in order to validate their feelings. He might be right in some situations.  We discussed how women's brains are like a ball of yarn-one thought attached to the next thought, attached to the next thought. Men's are like waffles-compartmentalized where one thought in one square has nothing to do with the thought in the other square. Then we put away our psychology/sociology and picked up our Bibles.

One story that stuck out to me in reference to men vs. women was after Jesus had been crucified.  After the crucifixion, Joseph of Arimathia and the two Marys were the ones who buried Jesus. They were the ones who placed his body into the tomb. The women could not embalm his body because it was the Sabbath, but when the Sabbath was over, these women were the only ones who came to embalm Jesus. Where were all the other disciples? Why weren't they there to help put their beloved Rabbi in the tomb? Perhaps it was the Jewish custom that women were to only do this; I don't know for sure. 

No doubt that Jesus' death was a huge problem for his followers. I think it is a natural part of who we are as women that when we have a problem, we sit with it. It's big to us, and it won't go away until we deal with it in our own way.  Many men are different. They don't want to focus on the problem in a real, up close way. They have to look at it from a distance as if looking out on the horizon to focus on the enemy's army on it's way.  The disciples kept their distance from their problem. They dealt with the burial and death of Jesus in their own way, away from the actual problem. The women went into the tomb with their problem. We are just different; no one is better and no one is worse.

The problem for us as women, is when we can't leave the tomb...when we can't leave our problem.  I am not sure what God would have done if the women stayed with the body of Jesus. It was obviously his Divine will that they not.
My thoughts are, if we never leave the problem, hurt, disappointment, then we miss the resurrection. If the women wouldn't have left and came back, they would have missed the power, miracle, beauty and amazement of the empty tomb.  Sometimes as women we have to know when to bury the problem so that we can see God do a miracle. 

Lord, help me to know when I need to leave the tomb of a problem, hurt, or disappointment so that you can do a miracle. Let me know when to leave the tomb so that you can restore life to that which was once dead.  Ladies, lets not stay in the tomb too long. God has some work that he needs to do.


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