Monday, May 23, 2011

Going Through the Motions

We are in the last few days of school for this year.  It has been quite an exhausting year at that. We moved 3 months into our school year, had issues with our curriculum, and I am finishing up my second year-so I am still trying to figure all this homeschooling stuff out. All I can say is, "Whew. I am so glad this school year is OVER!"  So these last few days, we do what we have to do, but we are definitely just going through the motions.

I imagine that's what many people feel in various aspects of their lives. School, jobs, church. The list goes on. They are just going through the motions.  Sometimes I catch myself doing that in my Spiritual walk. "Bless this food..." or "Traveling mercies..."  We get mechanical. We just want to get it done and over with. I wonder if Jesus in his fully human self felt that? Maybe with all the crowds that were begging him for yet another miracle? Maybe with the disciples who had such little faith?

Perhaps that is why he went off by himself--to connect with the Father who would strengthen and inspire him to carry out what had to be done. Perhaps we should recognize that going through the motions is a tale tale sign that we need to seek refuge with the one who strengthens us.

Enjoy your break from going through the motions..... and I will do the same.